Sunday, July 26, 2009

Glory to God for Fun in the Sun

I truly love going to church. I don't go because my parents make me or I feel obligated for any reason. I just really do enjoy the atmosphere. So this Sunday, like every Sunday the family was up and awake at around 8:30 whining for bathroom time and what music should be listened to. I've made due with our quaint one bathroom home by creating a wonderful vanity on the top floor outside my bedroom door. So I avoid the chaos as best as I can and only come down when it is time to get in the car.

I walk out my front door, Ipod in hand and the sight of Danjerr Presson walking really surprised me. I hadn't seen him in awhile so I walked up and asked what he was doing up and such an unusual hour for your average emo teenage boy. He informed me, that a lot had been on his mind, God included so he was on his way to church. Seeing as mine is the only one he'd ever been in, he looked up what time the service was and planned on attending. I was in shock, quite literally but I offered him a ride none the less.

After church it was time for another parade with my dad. Now him and I aren't always on the best terms one would say...but country music, small town parades, and driving down gravel roads are three joys we share. So we spend the summer road tripping to all sorts of random fairs and festivals for summer fun and parades. Last Night, mom and Brandon accompanied us to Wabasha for a family day but today it was back to the routine. A few pops, pretzels, country radio and the truck with just me and my dad. Houston had a great parade and really friendly people. It just made me realize more how much I really do love small towns.

Once back to Winona, I decided it was just too nice of a day not to go outside and be active. So after a wonderful phonecall from a friend I set off to rollerblade around the smaller half of lake winona. Now after 3 times around in the July heat, I figured it was time for a break. So I mosied on over to my boyfriend's home where we sat on the porch, drank really good water, and I watched him skateboard.

It's days like these...that I realize I am enjoying my days.

Only 1/3 of summer left, who knows what could happen. ; )