Sunday, December 27, 2009


These are simply a few of my favorite quotes that I've found over a period of time...

"before you follow in someone's footsteps, make sure they're headed in the right direction"

"I just...don't know what to do Megan"
-alex cyert

"Where the fuck is Gavin?! Shit, he's on my ass. Fuck I'm going 40!"
-Derek Sveen

"Since it's Christmas, and we tell the truth around the holidays. I want you to know that to are perfect"
-Love Actually

"Just remember to love the little things in life, Like running in the rain."

"I spend a lot of time with my dog, he's pretty cool"
-Jean Leighton

"If this text pisses me off, I'm going to scream fuck really loud"
-Lee Boetcher

"It's great that people in the demographic, are listening to the word of the Gap...They are now disciples of plaid"
-Pastor Justin

"you're beating with a book, everyone that the book tells you to love."

"Maybe I should take my clothes off now?"
-Gabsy Anderson

"I want you to know that I am both happy and sad, and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be."
-Charlie, Perks of being a wallflower

"I may not follow my religion, but I'm definitely a CHRISTIAN"

"Life is like a play, it is not the length that is important, but the excellence of the acting"

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Radiohead rawr.

Happy Birthday to Me~

I am now 16, with no license not even a permit and no job. I am so accomplished : )
Spending the day with my best friend-shopping, eating, and looking at christmas lights in La Crosse. Now doesn't that sound like a rad way to spend your sixteenth birthday? I think so.

With one friend deciding to enlist in the military, and another lacking a will to even pass his classes I'm at a loss for what to say. Hopefully, everything will work out in the end. It has to, if it's not's not the end.

I have a new goal, it's to spend no more then 16 dollars an clothes...there is just so much good stuff out there if you're willing to dig! I mean, Jeggings for $4.00? ah-mazing. I am in desperate need of a camera. I haven't taken a new picture in months : (

Les Poling (curse him) got me addicted to gangsta music and radiohead. I don't like either. Stupid Gorgeous Boy.

Summer, Where are you? I lost you in all this white, icey stuff.
<--Mugby trips and Marching Band.
Beach Parties and gettin' Blazed.

Tank tops, Bandannas and Converse.
Hemp Necklaces and Hot Weather.

Man, I can really say.
Summer, I miss you<3

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let us sing.

I am in shock that it is already December! This year seems to be going by faster that I could have imagined. Already into second term with a speech, research, and a test to study for I have been so busy with academics alone. However I am finding time for what I actually enjoy.

Chamber choir season is in full swing as Christmas is fast approaching. The group of people I stand alongside at those events truly make my life happier. The choir room is definitely where you'll find me in WSHS when I'm not around. Tonight is the Messiah at WSU and I am eagerly waiting for that experience. Then Monday night comes our winter full choir concert at Pleasant Valley Church. My, my, practices there are chilly! Hopefully, everyone will hit their notes, our chords will sound right and no one will forget to clap during "There'll Be Joy" : )

I sometimes forget how much I truly love spending time with my mom. Last night, her and I adventured to La Crosse shopped for CD's and Christmas Ornaments and had a nice meal at Rocky Rococos. All in all, I've been having a blast the last few days.

Hopefully, I can find some time to relax today because I definitely need some!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Let's Commence

So, the idea of blogging seemed really good at the time. Although as all new things seem to do it has since gotten lost in the sea of busyness that is my life. Hopefully, I can return to a semi-regular amount of entries to keep the world up to world I mean the few that care enough to read. : )

As first term has come to an end, I must say I am proud of my grades. Receiving straight A's with the exception of a B+ in Advanced Algebra I now have a standard to keep up. As I looked at my cumulative GPA, I realized how much I had screwed myself over freshmen year. Stupid. Stupid mistake. However, I learned from that and hopefully can avoid it in the future.

With the holidays comes the stress, love, and tradition that are so abundant in my families household. As we prepare to host Thanksgiving dinner, throw a Pampered Chef party, and decorate with our multiple Christmas trees we are learning to appreciate each others talents with less yelling than past years. I have been busy, desperately trying to organize my bedroom in such a way that I can fit in my own Christmas tree but I'm having no such luck. Good thing I've still got over a month to work it out!

With a broken camera, no money, and no social life as I've been grounded and will be for awhile--I lack a great deal of things to talk about.

alas, I shall be going off to paint my nails.

Question: What comes to mind first when you think of the holiday season?

Thursday, September 3, 2009


I want this to be the real thing.

I want this to last forever.

Being with you makes me so happy.

Being without you makes me cry.

I'm sorry I get jealous.

I'm sorry that I lie.

You really are important to me.

and you have a right to stay that way.

I wrote this because I'm mad at you and I did not want to start a fight.
Maybe tomorrow will be better, than this kinda, sorta, Good, Good Night.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Back To Reality

It's good to be back in the midst of good graces with the people I enjoy spending time with. In this moment of great feeling I've gone back to my style that truly makes me happy.

Black, Bright Colors, Plaid, Chains, Fishnets, Eyeliner=<3

A couple of nights ago, I attended a great camp out in which I had the chance to see a group of friends I hadn't seen in quite some time. Juan Cavasos throws great parties, simple but that's fine we still have a kickass time. Some highlights were Tall Chris and Danjerr tackling Juan out of trees,
Josh hardcore dancing, and watching warped tour videos.

Don't get me started on how beyond jealous I am of all of them that have been to Warped tour multiple times already.

Overall, it's been a good couple days.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A familar situation

A couple Februaries ago, a close find of mine at the time came out to me. It's quite a shock when one of you're best friends confides something like that in you, but all the same a wonderful feeling of being trusted. So the other night when a new friend had "something to tell me" I was almost expecting the same thing, but then I thought to myself I'm just being silly. Turns out I'm better at reading people than I thought. ; )

My last few days have been absolutely boring since I have been more or less grounded from the people I spend a majority of my time with. My boyfriend, Danjerr along with Julia and Jose take up most of my days and nights. Throw in Ryan and trips to the pool, late night park talks, and the endless search for a better high--I spend no time alone. So these past couple days have been quite a reality check for me, in which I have realized a few key things.

1. I am an only child and I am all my parents have.
2. Typical 15 year old girls can't say they've had their boyfriend sleep in over in their room ever, let alone often.
3. My parents really are quite awesome.
4. Danjerr is more important to me than I thought.

1-If I act carelessly, and something happens to me. I would personally be responsible for the suicide of my mother. and the depression into drinking the would inevitably happen to my father. That alone is enough to make me stop doing drugs, drinking excessively, and cutting myself.

2-I've been pretty lucky with having very understanding parents, so whenever my friends of broken homes need somewhere to stay mine is at the top of the list. This of course includes my long term love affair, Danjerr. On more than several occasions he's crashed on the couch, only to wander upstairs halfway through the night protesting that he "just couldn't sleep." I guess we pushed a limit or two the other night since he slept in my bed all night and we awoke to my father screaming. All in all it was a learning experience.

3-Spending time with my mom has always been easy, seeing as though I'm one of her best friends. However lately I've realized that my dad and I can have some pretty crazy times as well. Such as road trips to parades, bon fires, and looking up at the stars.

4-The trials of this relationship are soap opera worthy so I'm not going to go into them. However, in the past oh month or two it has dawned on me how important to me he is. I'm not letting him go this time, I'm talking Bella type loyalty. (desperation as well). Though he'll probably never read this, Danj I love you, always have just haven't always shown it. You've truly made me believe that together we can do anything and I'm looking forward to trying. <3

I think that gets us up to date, doesn't it?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Time flies when you're a deceitful bitch

My, my it's been almost two weeks since I've posted a thing!

I've been thinking about why and then it finally dawned on me.

If you're entire life becomes a lie it makes it harder to write about it for the world to see on the internet. When you keep secrets from everyone, including your own mother, best friend and boyfriend....something is probably....fucked up.

so excuse while I go try to salvage my life.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Cut Out Cookie Fun!

My family along with Julia made decorated cut out cookies for the boyfriends today.

my fathers, my mothers, mine, and Julia's.

It was an event.

Quite fun indeed.

then we went to a pirate themed party in white we played yahtzee for boose, and then we went for a coldstone trip.

I'm still recovering from that party ; )

sorry for the random short post.

Most in depth next time!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Oh the stress of converging friend groups

Summer means no boundaries. No lame restrictions on who to talk to and more opportunities to meet new people. The closer school approaches the more fearful I am that none of my friends will accept my boyfriend and it will be a miserable experience. However for the first time I'm not worried about trying to impress them. I've spent my summer with him and I look forward to spending my fall, winter and spring with him.

So with the idea that summer is in it's last month of glory, I've been party planning. Gotta get in a few more bonfires, a few more crazy times, a few more memories.

Speaking of which, I now have company.


Thursday, July 30, 2009

All You Need Is A Coloring Book

Coloring makes all the bad stuff go away.

with a 24 pack of crayola crayons, a coloring book of your choice, and some great friends to share it with.

I'm planning on having a coloring party soon. Bring your own supplies...ipods...share music and color sounds might nice doesn't it?

I hung out with my mom today since it was one of her rare days off, and we colored. Her sesame street, Arthur for myself and we made a day of it.

After my dad got home we picked up Brandon and headed to la cross for the evening. Family outings are oh so adventurous when my parents are involved. They're not lame at all.

All in all it was a pretty good day.

Took some pictures...will have them up in a few days.

Also...I've been wondering people's favorite time of day.
comment with yours...I'll do something creative with the info : ]

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Gotta Catch 'Em All

Wow! Where has the day gone? Nothing thrilling happened today unless you consider a rousing afternoon of Pokemon Stadium on the N64 an experience. After I sat around all morning and most of the afternoon to nothing constructive, I got a call from a friend to do something active. So after a quick shower, I strapped on the rollerblades for a few rounds of gossip and exercise. The evening consisted of nothing more than shopping with my parents and playing phone tag with my boyfriend. I did acquire a new digital camera tonight so look forward to some interesting shots in the near future. Hopefully tomorrow will be a more productive day.

Already planning on meeting up with the friends bright and early, going to lunch with a girlfriend, and tanning.

Life is good.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Comfy Style

Not much time to spend, so I'll make this short and sweet.

I spent today in a cool outfit with two very cool people doing extremely cool things.

Pro-I found a new way to do my hair

Con-My boyfriend picked up one of my old habits...


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Glory to God for Fun in the Sun

I truly love going to church. I don't go because my parents make me or I feel obligated for any reason. I just really do enjoy the atmosphere. So this Sunday, like every Sunday the family was up and awake at around 8:30 whining for bathroom time and what music should be listened to. I've made due with our quaint one bathroom home by creating a wonderful vanity on the top floor outside my bedroom door. So I avoid the chaos as best as I can and only come down when it is time to get in the car.

I walk out my front door, Ipod in hand and the sight of Danjerr Presson walking really surprised me. I hadn't seen him in awhile so I walked up and asked what he was doing up and such an unusual hour for your average emo teenage boy. He informed me, that a lot had been on his mind, God included so he was on his way to church. Seeing as mine is the only one he'd ever been in, he looked up what time the service was and planned on attending. I was in shock, quite literally but I offered him a ride none the less.

After church it was time for another parade with my dad. Now him and I aren't always on the best terms one would say...but country music, small town parades, and driving down gravel roads are three joys we share. So we spend the summer road tripping to all sorts of random fairs and festivals for summer fun and parades. Last Night, mom and Brandon accompanied us to Wabasha for a family day but today it was back to the routine. A few pops, pretzels, country radio and the truck with just me and my dad. Houston had a great parade and really friendly people. It just made me realize more how much I really do love small towns.

Once back to Winona, I decided it was just too nice of a day not to go outside and be active. So after a wonderful phonecall from a friend I set off to rollerblade around the smaller half of lake winona. Now after 3 times around in the July heat, I figured it was time for a break. So I mosied on over to my boyfriend's home where we sat on the porch, drank really good water, and I watched him skateboard.

It's days like these...that I realize I am enjoying my days.

Only 1/3 of summer left, who knows what could happen. ; )

Friday, July 24, 2009

Repeative Nonsense

I often wonder why people repeat the same nonsense that troubled them in the first place? It just boggles my mind. No matter, it's none of my business so I'll just let it go.

Today the weather is so gloomy-it just gets to me. I mean we have 80 degree tanning days and then this no sun for the entire day The world is so fucked up.

Julia came over last night and we had plans to actually have a productive day. Get up by 9, visit Krystal and the baby, see the boys later in the day and eat dinner with my parents. Well things don't always happen like that do they. Sometimes, you get awakened at an ungodly time and you try to ignore it because you know you're parents said absolutely no in and out after 11. But you know that neither of you are the cold hearted so you go downstairs when you shouldn't. and it's still not enough because they still ask you to come out even though you already risked it by just walking down the stairs and opening the just can't win.

You're always going to disappoint someone-you can choose whether it be you're family, you're best friend or a love affair. Someone's getting hurt. That's when priorities kick in : ]

I debate this in my head every minute of every fucking day. Yea it's great... throw in a boyfriend on top and it all gets more complicated. Yet I know it's worth it- from those text messages I get from her saying how fucking bored she watching comedy central on a bigscreen tv for slumber parties that make you feel like your lives aren't falling apart. It really is worth it.

I promise... ; )

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Advice From A Friend...

Casually chatting with an old friend the idea of creating a blog was mentioned. He had been writing one for quite awhile and suggested that I make one as well. I've noticed that there's so many things to be thought of that I want people to see but haven't had the time to share. So maybe this is it? We'll see how this blog idea turns out.